I plan on purchasing a new car in about 2 years, by then I should be done getting my B.S. and have narrowed down a graduate school. I want to move to a more urban area so I won't be so dependent on a car, because for my next car I would really like to go electric. Right now I drive less than 40 miles per day so it would be a great deal, and even a better deal if I could walk where ever I needed to go. Unfortunately I don't know where I am going to go to grad school so it might not be an urban area and my commute might be a little further, if this is the case I hope that electric cars start making some advances fast. This problem in discussed in Scientific American's "Electric Vehicles of America: Helping drivers go electric but not very far" talks about this very issue on battery life and how major advances need to be made before they will be good for long road trips. It also talks about the DIY conversion kit to change your car over, honestly this sounds kind of scary, complicated, and an accident waiting to happen (speaking for only myself of course). Currently from what I have read the average miles you can get on a fully charged battery is between 40-45 of course some are more and some are less. These are the cars that are available to most people across the country, this excludes the aptera which is only going to be available in California and the telsa roadster because lets face it not everyone can fork out over 100k for a car. Since gas prices have gotten as high as they are, the demand for alternatives are finally driving manufacturers to start making big changes, I cannot wait to see the car industries are going to be making over the next 10-15 years.
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