Unfortunately I have played this game I came across The Road to Marriage Ruin Begins with Blame although I am not married, I am in a committed relationship and my partner and I have been together for a while now. While reading this I started thinking about all of our little "tussles" we have been in and it's true most of them start because either I am cranky or he is. We even had one last night which was my fault, although at the time I blamed him. I had to work late which wasn't planned, and then by the time I got home I was starving so I was already moody. We got into a "run-in" for no reason other than I was being irritable. In this feed it gives questions you should ask yourself when disagreements do occur and you blame the person you are with:
1. What were you doing or experiencing immediately before that negative emotion?
2. How did you feel when you woke up on the morning of the incident you described?
3. Did any other negative events happen that day, before the incident you described?
4. Had you been feeling connected to your partner before the event that triggered the negative emotion?
5. What was your partner doing/experiencing immediately before your negative emotion?
6. How did he/she feel first thing in the morning?
7. Did any other negative events happen on that day, before the incident you described?
8. Had your partner been feeling connected to you before the event that triggered the negative emotion?

I did apologize for the way I was acting last night and it was before I read this, so I do realize when I am at fault and he isn't, I just need to realize it sooner and remember that the only reason I'm in a bad mood is because of MY day and not my partners. Maybe if more couples realized that everyone would go back to being the "cute" couple holding hands while walking down the street.
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