While going through google reader catching up on my new I came across http://blogs.psychologytoday.com/blog/quirky-little-things/200806/the-bigot-in-the-political-pulpit-gays-get-the-shaft . Disgusting? an abomination? Something repulsive and to be loathed, these sound like adjectives that would describe a serial killer, or a pedophile but what is this woman describing her thoughts on gays?
Really people it’s 2008 and gays have been around as long as man has been around, and gay people aren’t going any where nor should they. I was so happy to hear that California is now allowing gays to get married, and then I come across an article like this, just when I though people were putting aside their personal beliefs and giving people (yes for those of you who don’t know gays are people too) the right to be married, a right that should have been theirs a long time ago. I am a human rights activist, that doesn’t mean I go on pickets and do anything crazy it means that I believe ALL people should have the same rights. People should not be putting religion into the equation, its fine if you’re religious and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs but you shouldn’t restrict a person’s rights because of their sexual orientation. Seriously how does one’s sexual orientation effect your personally? It doesn’t you can get on with your life the same as it was before. Sexual orientation is something that cannot be helped. It’s not like you woke up one morning and thought to yourself I think I’m doing to be straight today, just like gays didn’t wake up and choose to be that way.
And for those of you who are religious, do you know what an abomination is? It’s an organization that covers the biggest child molestation scandal the world has ever known and it has paid out 2 billion dollars in abuse costs since 1950, just incase you don’t know what I’m talking about it’s the Catholic Church. A scandal that the
Anyway back to the topic at hand, what is so wrong with gay people? Like I said above sexual orientation isn’t a choice it’s something you are born with, and yet gays aren’t seen as equals in the eyes of the law, people still beat them for being gay and unfortunately gays are still being killed because of their sexual preferences. I hate to use this as an example because the two really aren’t related but both are something you are born with. Individuals born mental handicaps, it is something they can’t help but they have protection under the law, those without severe handicaps can get married, and when someone kills them or physically harms them there is a large public outcry. And yet when someone harms an individual that is gay, I heard a lot of “gays get what they deserve” or something like this article said “It is an offence to God, an offensive act and something that God abhors." They are so fixated on the fact that the individual is gay that they don’t even see that a person was harmed. What do you think God finds more offensive beating people up and killing them, or being gay? If you guess being gay, your incorrect. Those bible beaters out there quickly forget that Jesus was persecuted for his beliefs, for not conforming to what society at the time believed and he crucified for it. Is being gay so different, you have people out there just trying to live their lives but you have other people all over the world that want to persecute them and see them wiped off the face of the earth in the name of religion? Does that strike anyone else as odd? It’s sad to say that those who do the in the name of religion are usually doing the most offensive things, such as protesting at funerals.
Please don’t misinterpret what I said above about gays and the handicap, it was a bad example but I couldn’t think of anything else, I’m not saying people shouldn’t be upset when the handicap get hurt, and I’m not saying that being gay is a mental handicap because it isn’t. I’m just trying to express that ALL people should be seen in the same light, all people should be seen the same way in the eyes of the law, all people should have the same rights.
I also heard marriage is between a man and a woman, according to whom? Another thing I hear is letting gays get married is a sacrilege, married sacred? Sorry to bust some bubbles but how sacred is marriage anymore? Look at the divorce rate, you have people say oh well you know it was her first marriage and you know first marriages never work? Also adultery is out of control, if marriage was as sacred as people believe, you wouldn’t be able to get married by Elvis in Vegas, you wouldn’t be able to get a divorce so there would be no “1st marriage mistakes”, and there would be no such thing as adultery. If gay people want to join the matrimony nightmare let them, who are you and I to prevent people from achieving happiness.
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